this boy xde kne mengena pon... xthu anak sape.. he come straight away to me.. after i just suapkan dye a little piece of cake.. tbe2 dye leh duduk sini.. minum and mkn ngun kitorg.. hehe comel kan.. :D and xsempat nk thu nama dye ape..
umie i nie ske bergmbar sebernanye.. hehe
ape lagi aktiviti kitorg..pergi kenduri kawen je... huii.. hehe
my mom says "kne pergi org jemput..xelok klw xdtg..nnt time kita pulak nk wat kenduri kendara org xdtg jgk mcm mne?" so the moral of the story is.. hmm yeahh i just tell about the moral from my mom's dialog.. hehe :)