Tuesday, June 19, 2012

telor smbal eydaman :)

Assalamualaikum semua.. :)
dare to see my awesome sambal telur.. hehe..
eydaman is stated for my name and my man's name.. aiman.. huhu but i have to take his last name to make the sounds is more better.. huhu so it was like the words of Idaman.. huhu mengada kan.. haha xpelahh.. janji aku bahagia.. -_-' LOL

haa.. dh lama xshare2 resepi.. korunk cuba lah.. 
i swear! it was delicious.. rugi la sape xnk blaja masak try resepi aq ie.. haha padahal smbal telur je kan. -_-'
dh2.. for making my post today short.. lets just go through all the ingredients okay guys.. :)

  1. Telur Rebus
  2. cili kisar - i choose cili kering.. :)
  3. sos tomato / sos cili pon boleh.. klw suka pedas boleh laa... :) citarasa masing2 la kan.. :)
  4. 3 sudu air asam jawa.. if you like more of sourness.. u can put another couple of spoons.. mcm biasa r.. cita masing2.. LOL.. huhu
  5. garam of course
  6. gula of course
  7. bawang besar :)

tumbuk halus
  1. bawang merah
  2. bwang putih
  3. halia
  4. belacan sikit.. huhu :)

how to make:-
  • mula2 masak nasi dulu.. hahah senang.. nnt lepas sume lauk masak.. boleh makan trus.. xdelah kne tggu nasi masak pulak en.. huhu ok2 serious -_-'
  • lets just make it more simple than complicated in all the cook book like we find at the store. :) 
  • first, goreng sekejap telur rebus tadi.. fry it until it turns colours into a little golden. :) 
  • then panas kan miyak, and tumis bahan2 yg di tumbuk halus tu..
  • after all the goods smells coming out, pour the cili kisar inside..tggu sampai pecah minyak.. :)
  • then u can put the tomato sauce in.. :)
  • also air asam jawa tadi :)
  • kacau2 sikit.. :) bg sebati.. then, u can put the bawang besar pulak.. :) dh layu sikit.. u can letak garam and gula.. 
  • lastly letak lah telur rebus yg digoreng sekejap tadi :)
  • and bila agak2 semua nye dh sebati and sedap..dh boleh lah dihidangkan bersama nasi yg korunk masak tadi mula2.. hehehehe.. :)
haaa... sape2 yg sudi nak cuba tu.. :) all the best keyh.. bukan ape.. sejak2 cuti semester nie.. dh xde bnd nk buat.. asik rajin nk masak je.. huhu u guys also sape2 yg anak2 dara yg belom thu masak.. :) this is a simple dish that u can try at home :) so enjoyed...  thanks for visiting :)