Monday, September 12, 2011

Long Time No STory

dh lama xsinggah blog sendiri.. huhu well..
harini masuk 12haribulan 9 sudah.. cepat je masa berlalu kan.. hurm huhu 
nowadays i'm just keep moving on to more maturity life.. dealing with physical,mentally and some kind of other problems.. sudah menjadi lumrah.. kita sebagai manusia yg sgt lah lemah.. yg hanya Maha berkuasa adalah Dia Maha pencipta.. all i wanna say for tonight..because this is what yg terbuku di dalam jiwa raga nowadays.. all i want to say is.. hey YOU! listen here! do u wanna say something? say to in front of me? i will just keep my eye sharply and deeply looking at you and listen to you. jgn ckp belakang2..