niat diri bukan nak menghina atau kutuk2..
tapi bila diri kita di smash2.. mmg panis jgk lah kan..
so the story started when i was walking heading to the surau at my college this morning.. tujuan nk amik buku2 pengajian islam... and there is a guy.. not really the best friend one.. tapi penah lah lpak2 masa dulu2.. even the time lepak tu pon.. xdenye.. nk mesra semacam.. so lets just forget it how was our friendship goes.. its not important though.. huhu.. yeahh.. it was such a long time we never tegur2 .. since i was called the kembali ke jalan yg benar punya person lah kan.. woot woot.. hmm ape yg menyebabkan aq paniss niee.. sebab.. i just want to be nice.. kita dah berselisih en.. kaw pndang aq.. aq pndang kaw.. so what the point.. i'm just smiling.. yelahh.. dh knal.. xkn nk buat bodoh jee...kang kata sombong la.. lupa diri lahh..and the climax of the story is.. lepas aq senyum dye ckp ape taw???? "eydaaa dahh insafff... tapi post bnd bukan2..." okay skg aq nk tnye lahh kan.. ape bnd lah yg aq post bnd bukan2 tuh.. aq post bnd2 lucah ke.. aq ade aib kan kaw ke.. ade aq ckp pasal boobs gf kaw ke.. ade?? ade??? xde kan.. nothing involving with you.. so go to hell lah kan klw aq nk ckp pasal ape2 kat fb tu.. apelah sgt dgn facebook post tu.. if my post is so disturbing you dude.. then let just you go smash your head on the wall.. biar dah xleh tgk post2 org yg buat kaw xsenang hati.. hahaha.. so if i was INSAF pon.. did i bring any problem towards you.. xde kan.. so please.. apekata kaw pegi insafkan pompuan2 lain ke.. haaa.. lagi dapat bnyak pahala taw.. sekurg2nye.. aq dah start new things in my life that lots of girls out there that cant be like what i am now.. so go help them.. k lahh.. tu jelahh kisah pada hari ini..
saja luahkan.. sebab asik terpikir je dlm otak nie.. apehal lahh dye g ckp mcm tue.. nk join insaf jgk ke..Jom lahh.. mari kita sama2 mengejar kesenangan di akhirat kelak.. jgn mengejar bnd2 yg kat duniawi nie sgt bro.. huhu.. k lahh Assalamualaikum.. :)
gambar sekadar hiasan.. hehehehe
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