Saturday, August 13, 2011

sape kata labuh ain't cool???

sapa kata pkai tudung labuh xmanis.. xcantik..
sapa kata lelaki pkai bersederhana, berkopiah xhensem.. xcool??
jap2.. skg mmg bnyak pesen bertudung.. tapi kebanyakkan nye not really in the good shape.. hehe i admit that i'm also not wearing hijab perfectly according to the hukum.. but i really wish.. someday.. i will have good covered with my hijab look. i prefer nk melabuhkan tudung one day.. insyaAllah... ouh.. back to the lelaki yg pkai bersederhana tu.. bukan nye berpkaian yg selekeh atau pon berpkaian yg branded2 yg saya nk sebutkan di sini.. but the way a proper muslim guy can klw dah pkai baju melayu or jubah something that really sejuk mata memandang pon dh boleh mempesonakan wanita... :) xpercaya..?? go try and search for yourself.. i'm saying this because.. i'd experienced it myself.. situasi nya sebegini : i was in a surau with my friend.. we decided to go there for an "program sembang santai"so.. there is lots of muslim guy wearing nice jubah.. baju melayu nicely together with their kopiah.. and for that moment.. i just realized that, kaum2 adam nie xpayah pkai bnd2 yg menjolok kan mata pon they already can catch our eye with mempersona look from well covered all their aurat.. no need to wear tight jeans.. cucuk2 subang.. ughhf... that's why.. our prophet has say something about being sederhana is already enough and good to our life. its not about lelaki muslim sahaja i nak cerita.. but.. yewlah.. lagi2 perempuan pon sama.. malas nk crita pnjang.. semua pon thu sebenarnya.. how a proper muslim lady should wear kan?? :) nevermind... so.. i have included some pictures of my favorite girl... hehehe cantik :)